About Me

LIKES: God, Family, Friends, My Job (most of the time), Coffee, Clean Sheets, Chapstick, The Color Green, Being Green, Reading, Desserts, Summertime, Flip Flops, Dangling Earrings,and Cooking, - - - DISLIKES: Spiders (or any creepy crawly creature, Cold Weather, Liver, UNsweet Tea, Being Late (for Anything),and The Internet being down


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Speeding Through Life

I remember hearing someone once say that if the devil can't hinder our relationship with God by making us immoral, he'll simply make us busy. All we have to do is look around us today to see the evidence of this sad truth. And where has all of our busyness gotten us?

Just last weekend as we were walking out the door to my son's game my lil' football player informs me that he has left his cleats at his dad house. Seriously!? We were already behind schedule. Grrr!

I hustled everyone in the car just as quick as I could in hopes of being able to grab the cleats on the way to the game.

But of course, no one was home.
At that point I was feeling rushed, agitated and ornery. Really  that wasn't anything new. With all the current chaos, it seemed like that was just the norm lately. I went ahead and dropped my son off at the football field (since they had to be there over an hr before the game even started) I sped down the hwy towards the mall, which was over 20 minutes away to just buy him another pair. We already had people who had planned to come watch him play. So, if he was going to play, that was my only option. I didn't realize how fast I was going until I whipped around the curve and came down the hill and noticed some blue lights in my rear view mirror!

Oddly, the police officer barely spoke to me. No "What's your hurry?"  or anything. Being that my tag reads "MZLUCKY" I was surprised he didn't even comment like the last two officers that pulled me over saying  "Doesn't look like you are 'mzlucky' today!"  Not that I get pulled over often. I really am a good driver despite what my husband says! I knew why he pulled me over. If he was going to give me a ticket...which was very probable, I just wanted him to hurry up so I could continue rushing off to the mall so my son could play in his game. After he gave me my ticket that is what I did; rushed to the mall.

Finally arriving, I bought the cheapest cleats in his size they had. I rushed back to the car to rush back to the game in hopes of getting there before the game started.

Whew! I had made it to the game just as the team was walking on the field. I entered the gate only to be informed that my son wasn't feeling well. I knew he mentioned earlier he didn't feel good but he thought he could still play. I could tell just by looking at him he didn't need to be playing. My poor baby was as pale as a ghost and just looked pitiful.

So after all that rushing around, a ticket and the cost of a new pair of cleats, he never even got to play!

 "...All our busy rushing ends in nothing."
- Psalm 39:6 NLT

I guess so! Nothing good anyways :)

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